Rasvjeta za diskoteke: Filter za svjetlo 61x50cm EUROLITE
0,00 KM

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Rasvjeta za diskoteke, studio i pozorišta


Filter za svjetlo 61x50cm EUROLITE

Proizvod je dostupan: Na stanju

With shipment Brza pošta for 12,00 KM
12,00 KM

EUROLITE color-foils are extremly heat-resistant and can therefore be used with high-performance halogene-spots.
We offer a great variety of color-foils and correction-filters.
The standard dimension are 1.2 x 7 m (rolls), 50 x 60 cm pieces or precut for PAR 36, PAR 56 and PAR 64 spots.
When ordering color-foils, please state the color-no. and the article-no. in order to prevent misunderstandings and false deliveries.

For adding color to a white beam
Attached in color-filter frames in front of halogene-spots
Great variety of colors

Type: Color filter sheet
Color: Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green
Material: Plastic foil
Size: 61 x 50 cm
Weight: 0,04 kg

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